Dr Phil Rich

Consultation, Phil Rich

Phil Rich presents, trains, and consults nationally and internationally, specializing in work with sexually abusive youth. Phil holds a doctorate in applied behavioral and organizational studies and a master's degree in social work, and has been a licensed independent clinical social worker for over 35 years.

He was the Clinical Director for 13 years of a large a residential treatment center in Massachusetts treating children, adolescents, and young adults who have engaged in sexually abusive or sexually troubled behavior.and is the author of several books that describe the assessment and treatment of sexually abusive youth, multiple chapters and articles that address work with adult and sexually abusive youth and forensic work in general, and the four "Stages of Accomplishment Workbooks for Sexually Abusive Youth. "

He is a fellow of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers and the juvenile practice representative on the ATSA Executive Board, as well as being a member of several other Boards that serve the needs of sexually abusive youth and public safety.