Rossana Berardi, MD is a Consultant Medical Oncologist and Lecturer at University Hospital. She is also the Responsible of the Trial Unit at Dept of Oncology - Università Politecnicadelle Marche - Italy. Dr Berardi usually deals with about 35 GCP trials/year with new drugs, with a special focus on early phase trials.
Dr Berardi is Assistant Professor in Medical Oncology and in Semiotics at Università Politecnica Marche in Ancona and at the Doctorate in Osteoncology, Università "Campus Bio-Medico" in Rome. She is Member and national representative of the Lecturers in Medical Oncology of the Academic Medical Oncology Committee, Member of the "Post-Lauream Education" Working Group of the Italian Association of Medical Oncology and Member of the "Core Curriculum" task force of the European Society of Medical Oncology.
Dr. Berardi has been awarded many grants and prizes. She has authored many scientific publications and several presentations at national and international meetings. Dr.Berardi was a Research Fellow in the Department of Oncology at Middlesex Hospital, University College London Hospitals.
Dr Berardi has a special interest in consulting with pharmaceutical companies regarding acquisitions and design of clinical trials. Dr Berardi has been selected as an expert evaluator in several boards of examiners (i.e. European Community).