The Role of the Skilled RN and LVN Visit Nurse in Home Care

Duration: 60 Minutes
Instructor: Magdeline Aagard
Webinar Id: 800348


One Attendee


Home care is one of the largest growth industries in healthcare today. With changes in hospital reimbursement, home care provides services that are tailored to keep people in their home and community. Nurses are the key providers of home care services. RNs, LPNs and home health aides provide different levels of services, which are individualized to meet the patients' needs. Services are reimbursed in a variety of ways, depending on the patient's type of insurance, age and diagnoses. Home care agencies can be licensed and certified, or operate independently, but may not qualify for insurance reimbursement. The type of organization will dictate, in part, the staffing choices the organization makes.

Nursing education is tailored to hospital based care, rather than outpatient services, thus necessitating providing education and training for new nurses to the home care environment. Understanding the role of home care providers, their scope of practice and educational needs will enhance the home care services your organization provides.

Why should you attend: Home care is one of the fastest growing segments of healthcare today. As hospitals and post-acute facilities work to keep people in their home and prevent readmissions, home care is a critical link in the post-acute service spectrum.

Areas Covered in the Session:

  • Role of home care in the postacute service spectrum
  • Role of RNs in home care
  • Role of LPNs in home care
  • Role of home health aides in home care
  • Adjunctive services in home care (e.g. selfmonitoring, journals, logs)
  • Reimbursement and organizational licensing options
  • Education and training of nurses entering home care

Who Will Benefit:
  • Home Care CEOs, COOs, CFOs
  • Nursing Directors
  • Hospital Case Managers
  • Discharge Planners
  • Social Workers
  • Utilization Review Nurses
  • Long Term Acute Care Case Managers
  • Discharge Planners
  • Social Workers
  • Unitization Review Nurses
  • Home Care Nursing Staff

Speaker Profile
Dr. Aagard is on the faculty of Minnesota State University, Mankato, teaching in the School of Nursing. In addition, she teaches for Capella University in the master’s and doctorate in public health programs. Previously Dr. Aagard was an Associate Professor of Nursing at Augsburg College in Minneapolis, MN, teaching in the Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Master of Arts in Nursing and Doctorate of Nursing Practice programs. She is a visiting professor at the Universities of Amsterdam and The Hague, Netherlands.

Areas of research interest include the understanding and practice of nursing leadership in different cultures, having interviewed nurses in the Netherlands, Tanzania, India and Liberia. Dr. Aagard is the president of her own consultancy specializing in nursing leadership and nursing education and presents nationally and internationally on these topics. Prior to entering academia, Dr. Aagard worked as a Director of Nursing and interim Chief Nurse in several metropolitan hospitals and served as the Clinic Director of a community health clinic. She is a member of Sigma Theta Tau International, the International Council of Nurses and the Transcultural Nursing Society. She serves as a reviewer for the International Nursing Review Journal and for Sigma Theta Tau International conference abstracts.

Dr. Aagard received her undergraduate degree in nursing from Augustana College in Sioux Falls, SD. Her MBA in Medical Group Management and Doctorate in Educational Leadership are from the University of St. Thomas in Minneapolis, MN.