Unmanageable Inbox? Imagine a Clean Inbox and Take Control Today!

Duration: 60 Minutes
Instructor: Karla Brandau 
Webinar Id: 802867


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Do you remember when hand-written letters or typed letters was the main means of communication? If so, you may also remember how glorious it was to send information and have immediately received via the fax machine.

Nearly as irritating as letters were the process of having to leave messages via a secretary. Voice mail was a wonderful enhancement to communication because you bypassed the go-between.

With these methods of communication in mind, change your paradigm and celebrate email. It is fast, efficient, and effective. At least it should be effective. If it is not meeting your needs, sign up for this webinar and make Microsoft Outlook go to work for you, easing the pain of email, making life easier for you, and helping you have greater output.

Most workers are judged by their productivity output and this can be slowed if you are not savvy about processing the numerous emails in your Inbox.

This webinar gives you technical tips and helps you:

  • Create an email infrastructure
  • Eliminate spam and junk mail
  • Gain control over your Inbox
  • Preserve personal integrity by responding to email in a timely manner
  • Be empowered to keep up with emails marked Urgent or Take Action
  • Work from a clean Inbox on a regular basis
Once you gain control of the Inbox, learn how to process email in a timely manner, and respond intelligently to requests, the perception of you as a true professional in the organization will increase.

Why you should Attend:
Can you imagine a clean Inbox even though it feels like an avalanche of email is dumping into your Inbox, stifling and suffocating your daily workflow? You can survive the daily onslaught of emails if you learn the right techniques to stop emails from entering your Inbox and implement the correct procedures for processing the emails that you permit to enter.

In this webinar, you'll learn how to dig out from the heavy load of tasks that arrive via email and how to work from a clean Inbox. You'll be amazed at how many features the Outlook Inbox has that can help you organize, sort, and prioritize email - all to enable you to stay on top of urgent tasks.

The quick tips for processing email in Outlook can save you precious minutes every day and help you leave work on time.

Included are tips on how to write emails that people will read and even more importantly, respond to. Gain the skills to reduce email and expedite processing: register today for this webinar.

Areas Covered in the Session:
You will learn features in the Ribbon that have great time management benefits and you'll gain the expertise to survive the hundreds of emails sent to you by learning how to produce real results when processing your Inbox.

Techniques for organizing email entering your Inbox is first on the agenda. The complete instruction includes how to use:
  • A variety of Inbox Views
  • Click and drag techniques in expanded ways
  • Signatures in Innovative ways
  • Conversation features such as “Ignore,” “Clean Up” and Junk mail settings
  • “Show As Conversations” to grouping conversation topics
  • Voting buttons to gather preferences
  • Quick steps to automate the routine
  • Reminders effectively
  • The Rules Wizard effectively

You'll work faster and smarter and have time left to focus on your entire workload as you learn how to:
  • Set up categories to visually sort emails
  • Organize search and retrieval methods for vital information
  • Automatically move email to selected folders
  • Customize column headings
  • Expedite work assignments that arrive via email
  • Use flag status to stay on top of deadlines
  • Manage the Rules Wizard for maximum efficiency
  • Set up Quick Parts to speed up email responses
  • Coordinate emails with Tasks and Calendar folders

Who Will Benefit:
  • Any Professional who Receives Email and uses Microsoft Outlook as their Email Client

Speaker Profile
Karla Brandau is a thought leader in management and team building techniques. She trains managers to improve their relationship with the employees to earn their gift of discretionary effort. She specializes in personalities, communication skills, leadership principles. She is the CEO of Workplace Power Institute and has educated mangers with her proven leadership principles in companies such as Motorola, Coca-Cola Enterprises, Panasonic, and BYD America.

She has a degree in education and is a Certified Speaking Professional, an earned designation given by National Speakers Association. Karla’s book, How to Earn the Gift of Discretionary Effort, teaches managers how to be the leader people CHOOSE to follow, not have to follow because of their position on the organizational chart.

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