Turn bad data into great data in minutes!
Do you spend more time than is necessary importing and updating data from external sources such as databases, CSV files and web pages?
Does the phrase "it's taking too long" describe how you feel about the time it takes to get your data into the right format for your reports?
Do you regularly perform repetitive time-consuming "data cleaning and transforming" tasks such as removing unnecessary rows and columns, filtering out data that you don’t need, converting text to numbers or dates, splitting or merging columns, removing "weird" characters or combining files together?
Would you like to be able to do all the above with the click of a button? If the answer Is yes, you need Power Query (known as Get and Transform in Excel 2016 and later).
This training will focus on two main topics How to import data into Excel from a variety of sources and how to automate the data cleaning process
Why you should Attend:
Power Query / Get and Transform can save you a ton of time when working with imported data. In many cases when you get data from external sources, it needs work on it before it can be used. Although this can be done using Excel functionality, Power Query / Get and Transform is a lot faster and is repeatable with a couple of clicks
Areas Covered in the Session: