Being in compliance with HIPAA involves not only ensuring you provide the appropriate patient rights and controls on your uses and disclosures of protected health information, but you also have the proper policies and procedures in place. A HIPAA Risk Management plan is your overall policies and procedures manual. If audited or the subject of a compliance review you will be required to show the government you have all the necessary policy and procedure documentation in place to address all the required safeguards.
If audited by HHS, being able to demonstrate HIPAA compliance will involve providing many of these policies and procedures. Having a fundamental understanding of a HIPAA compliance helps to know what is required to implement those policies and procedures.
If your healthcare practice, business, or organization needs to understand how develop, maintain and modify HIPAA policies and procedures, please join us for this informative and interactive course.
Why should you Attend: For anyone tasked with managing a HIPAA compliance program, it is critical to have the comprehensive policies and procedures in place. Find out how to create policies and procedures or see if your current ones address all the required topics.
Attendees will leave the course clearly understanding of all the requirements for developing, maintaining and modifying HIPAA policies and procedures. After completing this course, those assigned this task will have a clear understanding for what needs to be place when it comes HIPAA policies and procedures.
Areas Covered in the Session: