MACRA-Quality Payment Program 2019 Updates

Duration: 90 Minutes
Instructor: Michael Stearns
Webinar Id: 801458


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This presentation will address the changes to the CMS Quality Payment Program released in the 2019 Final Rule.


This presentation will review the changes to the Quality Payment Program (QPP) under MACRA as detailed in the 2019 QPP final rule. These changes will go into effect on January 1, 2019 giving practices little time to prepare.

Key changes to the MIPS and to the Alternative Payment Model program that will have the greatest impact will be reviewed in detail. In addition other changes that may represent opportunities for performance will be highlighted. This discussion will also identify proven best practices for achieving optimal performance in the MIPS and in Alternative Payment Models.

Why you should Attend: A detailed understanding of MACRA is required in order for healthcare practices to perform well and avoid penalties. There are also significant monetary incentives built into the system. Physicians and other clinicians, administrators, electronic health record professionals, health information technology professionals, auditors, compliance officers and others will need to be aware of the changes released in the 2019 Quality Payment Program final rule.

Areas Covered in the Session:

  • Quality Payment Program Overview
  • 2019 update for the MIPS Quality Performance Category
  • 2019 update for the MIPS Promoting Interoperability performance category
  • 2019 update for the MIPS Improvement Activities performance category
  • 2019 update for the MIPS Cost performance category
  • 2019 update for the Advanced Alternative Payment Models
  • 2019 update for MIPS APMs
  • Additional updates contained within the 2019 final rule

Who Will Benefit:
  • Physicians
  • Clinicians
  • EHR Professionals
  • Analytics Professionals
  • Coding Compliance Officers
  • Health Information Technology Professionals
  • Auditors

Speaker Profile
Michael Stearns, MD, CPC, CFPC, is a physician informaticist, certified professional coder (CPC), certified family practice coder (CFPC). He is the CEO and Founder of Apollo HIT, LLC, an Austin-based company that provides consulting services in the areas of healthcare information technology and compliance. His company assists organizations with meeting their documentation, coding, EHR optimization and program goals, including their performance in the Merit-based Incentive Payment System and Alternative Payment Models.

During his career Dr. Stearns has received several awards for teaching and contributions to patient safety and patient privacy initiatives. He played a central role in the design and development of vocabularies at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and provided a leadership to the development of the Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine - Clinical Terms (SNOMED CT). He has served in a leadership capacity for two leading EHR vendors and as an advisor to several emerging HIT organizations.

He is a cofounder and lecturer at the University of Texas at Austin Health Information Technology Certificate Program, a nationally recognized model for HIT workforce development. He has been invited to testify in Washington, D.C. before federally sponsored HIT policy and standards organizations on five separate occasions. He served as the founding board president of the Texas eHealth Alliance, an organization that provides stakeholder input related to health information technology policy matters to state legislators. He is also an accomplished author and lecturer on a range of health care quality, health information technology, coding/compliance and quality-based performance initiatives.