In this webinar we will discuss how to effectively parent a defiant child/adolescent.how to turn those poor attitudes and "no's" into more compliance, and more of a working relationship between the child/adolescent and parent.
Why should you Attend:
In treatment, parents are so important when working with children and/or adolescents. We can do a lot of work within our specific setting, however a lot of times success depends highly on the parents. Sometimes engaging the parents can prove it's own set of challenges.
This webinar will provide helpful, simple to use tips regarding parenting, especially parenting a defiant child/adolescent. This webinar will address how to talk to parents about communicating effectively, gain understanding about where children/adolescents are at developmentally, and how to implement fun into the parenting/family dynamic.
A lot of parents, parenting a defiant child/adolescent can become easily frustrated We will also discuss how to engage these parents and how review skills to parent based on logic and not with emotion. In addition, often times children/adolescents have a difficult time expressing themselves, rather it is about wants and/or needs. This webinar will discuss creating space and what the expectations and boundaries should be related to this idea; how parents can engage with his/her child and how much is "too much force" when attempting to communicate.
In addition, we will discuss some of the basics regarding diagnosis, medications, and when to seek further help outside of the therapeutic environment. We will also review the various parts of the brain and how this effects a child's/adolescent's development and choice in behaviors.
Areas Covered in the Session: