Physician compensation has been one of the most widely discussed topics among healthcare professionals. There are many ways of compensating physicians most of which are currently based on the relative value system (RVU) established by CMS. The differences in compensation systems varies all the way from equal distribution to very complex formulas that involve work RVUs, quality measures, administration, teaching, research, community service and a myriad of other factors.
These systems will be explored during the presentation and there will be commentary on how these compensation systems will be driven by reimbursement especially that from Medicare and Medicaid in the future. The pros and cons of various methodologies will also be presented. Emphasis will be placed on the culture of the organization and its influence on compensation along with the values that have been established by the professionals.
Why should you attend: There will be significant stresses and strains on physician compensation during the next several years. Evidence for that has already been demonstrated as reimbursement systems begin to tighten. Reimbursement from both Medicare and Medicaid has leveled off and more than likely will be decreased in the future. Compensation systems for integrated systems are also going to be impacted by the needs of the larger organization. Leaders and managers must understand the various forces that will come to bear in an environment that is becoming increasingly hostile to the professional.
Areas Covered in the Session: