Brian Tuttle

Sr Compliance Consultant & IT Manager, InGauge Healthcare Solutions

Brian L Tuttle, CPHIT, CHP, CBRA, Net+, A+, CCNA, MCP is a Certified Professional in Health IT (CPHIT), Certified HIPAA Professional (CHP), Certified HIPAA Administrator (CHA), Certified Business Resilience Auditor (CBRA), Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) with over 18 years' experience in Health IT and Compliance Consulting.

With vast experience in health IT systems (i.e. practice management, EHR systems, imaging, transcription, medical messaging, etc.) as well as over 18 years experience in standard Health IT with multiple certifications and hands-on knowledge, Brian serves as compliance consultant and has conducted onsite and remote risk assessments for over 1000 medical practices, hospitals, health departments, insurance plans, and business associates throughout the United States.

In addition, Mr Tuttle has served in multiple litigated court cases serving as an expert witness offering input related to best practices and requirements for securing and providing patient access to protected health information. Mr. Tuttle has also worked directly with the Office of Civil Rights (OCR) both in defending covered entities and business associates as well as being asked by the Federal government to audit covered entities and business associates on behalf of the OCR. Almost all of Brian's clients are earned by referral with little or no advertising.

Brian is well known and highly regarded in medical circles throughout the United States for his quality work and down home southern charm Mr Tuttle has a Master's Degree in Health Sciences from Georgia State University and works nationally out of Kennesaw, GA



How to Conduct a HIPAA Risk Assessment

This course will cover the proper methodologies on conducting a HIPAA Risk Assessment based on the formula used by Federal auditors and via the guidelines of the NIST (National Institute of Standard for Technologies).

Brian Tuttle
  • Time: 10:00 AM PDT | 01:00 PM EDT,
  • Duration: 90 Minutes
  • Price: ¤139.00
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4-Hour Virtual Seminar on Upcoming Changes with HIPAA 2024

This 4-Hour Virtual Seminar will get into the fine details of what we need to do and how to do it.

Brian Tuttle
  • Time: 08:00 AM PDT | 11:00 AM EDT,
  • Duration: 4 Hours
  • Price: ¤445.00
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3-Hour Virtual Seminar on HIPAA 2024 Texting and E-mailing

This lesson will be going into great detail regarding your practice or business information technology and how it relates to the HIPAA/HITECH Security Rule and securing PHI in transmission.

Brian Tuttle
  • Time: 09:00 AM PDT | 12:00 PM EDT,
  • Duration: 3 Hours
  • Price: ¤299.00
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Explores New SAMHSA Confidentiality Law for Substance Use Disorder Records(42 CFR Part 2)

This lesson will be addressing how practice/business managers (or compliance offers) need to ensure their organization is complying with the Federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration (SAMHSA) regulations (42 CFR Part 2).

Brian Tuttle
  • Time: 10:00 AM PDT | 01:00 PM EDT,
  • Duration: 90 Minutes
  • Price: ¤139.00
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Upcoming HIPAA Audits - How To Avoid And Be Prepared

This lesson will be addressing how practice/business managers (or compliance offers) need to get their HIPAA house in order as HIPAA is now fully enforced and the government is not using kid gloves any more. It will also address major changes under the Omnibus Rule and any other applicable updates for 2016 and beyond. There are an enormous amount of issues and risks for covered entities and business associates these days.

  • Brian Tuttle
  • Recorded
  • Duration: 90 Minutes
  • Price: ¤179.00
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Upcoming HIPAA Audits - How To Avoid And Be Prepared

This lesson will be addressing how practice/business managers (or compliance offers) need to get their HIPAA house in order as HIPAA is now fully enforced and the government is not using kid gloves any more. It will also address major changes under the Omnibus Rule and any other applicable updates for 2016 and beyond. There are an enormous amount of issues and risks for covered entities and business associates these days.

  • Brian Tuttle
  • Recorded
  • Duration: 90 Minutes
  • Price: ¤379.00
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Upcoming HIPAA Audits - How To Avoid And Be Prepared

We will be discussing some of the changes taking place in Washington with the Health and Human Services in regards to the enforcement of the HIPAA laws already on the books. I will go over some of the new changes affecting covered entities and business associates. I will also be discussing factors might cause an unwanted visit or letter from the Office of Civil Rights and how to prepare for the audit and deal with the Feds.

  • Brian Tuttle
  • Recorded
  • Duration: 90 Minutes
  • Price: ¤225.00
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Changes under the HIPAA Omnibus Rule - What's New

This lesson will be addressing the major changes from the September 23rd 2013 HIPAA Omnibus Rule and any other applicable updates at the time of the presentation. There are an enormous amount of issues and risks for covered entities and business associates under Omnibus, first and foremost being the Feds have and increased budget and enforcement abilities using outsourcing.

  • Brian Tuttle
  • Recorded
  • Duration: 90 Minutes
  • Price: ¤179.00
  • View Details