This webinar will discuss the Health Care Quality Improvement Act (HCQIA) in detail, including the standards that must be met to achieve immunity under the act. The HCQIA itself will be reviewed, including a detailed look at the Congressional purpose for the act. The legislative history of the act will be reviewed to gain an understanding of the intent of Congress in passing the act.
Specifically, there are four standards under the act that must be met. We will review each of these with an eye toward court interpretation of what actions an organization must take to achieve the protections granted by the act.
- In the reasonable belief that the action was in the furtherance of quality health care
- After a reasonable effort to obtain the facts of the matter
- After adequate notice and hearing procedures are afforded to the physician involved or after such other procedures as are fair to the physician under the circumstances
- In the reasonable belief that the action was warranted by the facts known after such reasonable effort to obtain facts and after meeting the [notice and hearing] requirement
Why should you attend: You should attend this webinar to gain an understanding of how the HCQIA protects your organization and those who participate in the peer review process in your organization, as well as gain an appreciation of the actions that are required to perfect the HCQIA immunity. Failure to take the appropriate actions and to follow the correct protocol can result in a disastrous situation.
Areas Covered in the Session:
- The Health Care Quality Improvement Act
- Legislative history of the Health Care Quality Improvement Act and the intent of Congress
- Immunity under the Health Care Quality Improvement Act
- Standards required to achieve immunity under the Health Care Quality Improvement Act
- Review of the Health Care Quality Improvement Act by the courts
Who Will Benefit:
- Hospitals
- Medical staffs
- Professional review activities