Anxiety Disorders in Children, Adolescents and Adults

Duration: 90 Minutes
Webinar Id: 801490


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This webinar will teach attendees the keys to thoroughly and effectively differentiating between not only the different anxiety disorders but other disorders that may present with similar symptoms, Attendees will also learn many key treatment approaches in order to assist clients in ending their suffering, This will include the physiological and psychological aspects/causes of anxiety.


We all have anxiety. How often do we worry about deadlines, a loved one, getting things accomplished? Anxiety to a certain degree is normal. However, anxiety easily crosses a threshold and then it becomes detrimental and interferes in our ability to be productive.

Children become too fearful, adults cannot concentrate, teenagers becoming more angry. It is crucial to be able to identify when anxiety has become a problem and needs to be addressed. However, because we all experience anxiety, recognizing when it has become a problem is often overlooked. It is so important for clinicians to be well trained in properly diagnosing the different anxiety disorders and treating them. This webinar will teach attendees the keys to thoroughly and effectively differentiating between not only the different anxiety disorders but other disorders that may present with similar symptoms.

This will also include how to recognize the difference between normal and appropriate anxiety versus anxiety that has not become a problem. Attendees will also learn many key treatment approaches in order to assist clients in ending their suffering. This webinar will equip those who attend with concrete and ready to use therapeutic techniques in order to immediately start assisting clients in taking control of their anxiety and be on the road to recovery.

Why you should Attend: Correctly diagnose Anxiety Disorders including effectively differentiating between all anxiety disorder diagnoses.

Treat individuals of all ages using various techniques including play, group, individual and couple/family therapies. This will include the importance of using homework to set your clients up for success Learn the importance of Education - clients need to know and understand what is happening and the things with which they are struggling.

This will include the physiological and psychological aspects/causes of anxiety. Address the importance of collaborating with other professionals including psychiatrists, medical doctors, teachers and any other professionals involved.

Areas Covered in the Session:

  • Assessment
  • Differential Diagnosis and changes from the DSM IV to 5:
    • Generalized Anxiety Disorder
    • PTSD
    • OCD
    • Panic Disorder - with and without Agoraphobia
    • Phobias
    • Social Anxiety
    • Separation Anxiety
    • Other Disorders and similarities
  • How do you know when a children is anxious?
    • Rates of anxiety in children
    • Separation anxiety
    • Tips for parents
  • Treatment
    • Purpose and Goals - understanding the causes in order to truly alleviate the problems
    • Specific Techniques and novel approaches
      • Assessment and Diagnostic
      • Therapeutic Benefits
        • Cognitive
          • Core Beliefs
          • Anticipatory Thinking
        • Behavioral
          • Deep Breathing
          • Deep muscle relaxing (experiential piece here - we will do an exercise)
          • OCD in children
          • OCD in teens
          • Mindfulness
        • CBT
          • The importance of homework
          • Exposure therapy
            • Trouble shooting
          • Social Skills Training for Social Anxiety
            • Non-verbal communication
          • Flashbacks
          • Nightmares
            • Children and adults
              • Pharmaceutical
              • Other treatment approaches
                • Natural remedies
  • Areas of Caution
    • Working with abuse victims and veterans
    • Working with children and their families
    • Pacing your work - Don't do too much too fast

Who Will Benefit:
  • Behavioral Health Professional
  • Case Managers
  • Nurses
  • Social Workers
  • Any other Concerned or Interested Persons such as Teachers and Parents

Speaker Profile
Dr. Christine Frydenborg Dargon, Ph.D., having worked in clinical practice for over 20 years, now focusses her time on speaking and education. Dr. Dargon did graduate research and her dissertation on rape-related PTSD and began working with rape survivors over 25 years ago. She began specializing in treating individuals of all ages with anxiety while interning in New York where she worked both with individuals and with groups. Her areas of clinical expertise also include working with children and families for years in such areas as abuse, divorce and custody disputes, children of alcoholic/drug addicted parents and adopted children. She also specialized in the treatment of eating disorders, anxiety disorders, mood disorders and marriage counseling.

Currently, Dr. Dargon is an international speaker traveling throughout North America presenting seminars of numerous topics. Dr. Dargon has also been teaching on the undergraduate and graduate levels for over 20 years and is currently on faculty at Grand Canyon University serving students in the Masters' of Counseling Psychology Program and Ashford University teaching undergraduate courses. Earlier this year, she opened a whole health center where she has composed a team of experts in all areas of alternative health.

Dr. Dargon received her Doctorate of Counseling Psychology from Seton Hall University with a specialization in Marriage and Family Therapy, her Masters’ of Science in Education in Counseling and Personnel Services from Fordham University with a focus in School Counseling and her Bachelors' in Psychology and Sociology from The University of Connecticut. She also has a Master's degree in Criminal Justice with an emphasis in Legal Studies from Grand Canyon University.

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