This lesson is going to get back to the basics using multiple real-life scenarios and "what if's".
My goal is to make this very confusing and not well explained law easy to understand for the typical staff member.
I will uncover myths versus reality as it relates to this enigmatic law based on over 1000 risk assessments performed as well as years of experience in dealing directly with the Office of Civil Rights HIPAA auditors.
I will also point out multiple court cases I have been affiliated with where a staff member of a hospital or clinic has been sued or even imprisoned! In addition, we sill speak of some new changed relating to the COVID19 pandemic.
I will also speak to real life audits conducted by the Federal government (I've been on both sides of these audits) what your highest risks are for being fined (some of the risk factors may surprise you).
In addition, this course will cover the highest risk factors for being sued for wrongful disclosures of PHI and the manner in which patients are now using state laws to sue for wrongful disclosures.
Why should you Attend:
Are you confused about HIPAA? Do you just want the basics and in plain English?
Do you know there are civil and criminal penalties even for the rank and file staff member! THIS IS ABSOLUTLEY CRITICAL TO UNDERSTAND! GOSSIP AND WRONGFUL ACCESS OF HEALTH RECORDS CAN LAND US IN JAIL!! - I will explain specific cases of how and why!
Do you know what you can and can't do with protected health information? Are you aware of the new changes relating to COVID19 and teleworking?
It is important to understand the new changes going on at Health and Human Services as it relates to enforcement of HIPAA for both covered entities and business associates as it relates to portable devices, texting, and emailing of PHI.
You need to know how to avoid being low hanging fruit in terms of audit risk as well as being sued by individuals who have had their PHI wrongfully discloses due to bad IT practices.
I have also been expert witness on multiple court cases where a business or medical practice is being sued for not doing their due diligence to minimize risk.
Areas Covered in the Session: